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SCW Foundation ends bus service, better options offered



After nearly a year of serious deliberation, the Sun City West Foundation Board of Directors decided to end its bus service and transfer the program to Northwest Valley Connect and to Valley Metro Dial-A-Ride.

Rich Greene, Northwest Valley Connect fleet manager, shows off the new accessible van now available for use by the area transportation resource agency.

The board believes both providers will bring enhanced service to Sun City West residents. Enhanced services include greater travel distances, flexible scheduling, comfortable passenger vehicles and the option of regularly scheduled group trips to shopping and entertainment venues.

Now in its third year of operation, Northwest Valley Connect, which started through a partnership between Sun Health and Benevilla, provides mobility to homebound seniors and those with limiting disabilities.

Its nonprofit call center helps connect people with a variety of transportation providers for trips to the doctor, grocery shopping and to social and religious activities. Calls to this agency more than doubled in 2016 reaching more than 3,500. Three vans are available, one of which is wheelchair accessible.

Kathy Chandler, NWVC executive director, will conduct training classes about transportation options and how to access them 9-10:30 a.m. Friday mornings March 3, 17 and 31 in the Grand Canyon Room at the Sun City West Foundation, 14630 R.H. Johnson Blvd.

Free rides to and from the classes can be scheduled by calling 623-544-3020. Reservations are required.

Visit www.scwfoundation.org for information..
