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Clean up after a day at the beach


Jaunts to the beach are par for the course come summertime. Thousands of people flock to the coasts of oceans and lakes to enjoy refreshing dips into the water and soak up some rays on the sand. But enjoyable days can turn somewhat aggravating if sand from the beach was not washed off prior to leaving the surf and sun behind.

Ensuring sand stays at the beach and isn't tracked home may require a little patience, but it is possible to hit the beach without taking sand home.

  • Arrive prepared. Bring supplies to the beach that will make it easy to keep sand from finding its way into your car or home. A large trash bag, some extra towels that never hit the sand and some moist wipes to clean leftover sand off your arms and legs can help you leave the sand at the beach where it belongs. Also, establish a time to leave the beach well in advance so everyone has time to clean up.


  • Reserve bags specifically for the beach. Reserve bags for the sole task of transporting items to and from the beach so you are not adding to your collection of bags that have sand on them with each beach visit you make. These also can be used to store sandy kids' toys.


  • Protect electronics and other sensitive items. Sand can damage phones, tablets and other electronics. Zip-top bags provide ample storage and can keep devices safe from sand that can be lodged in crevices or can scratch screens.


  • Clean sand off of clothes and chairs in the parking lot. Give clothes, beach chairs and other items exposed to sand a good shake or wipe-down in the parking lot before driving home. Give extra attention to sunblock-covered bodies. Sprinkle some cornstarch or baby powder on your skin before toweling off, as doing so can help release any sand that's stubbornly sticking to your skin. Do not forget to wipe off sandy feet as well.


  • Wrap up towels and sandy items. Put anything used to wipe off sand into a garbage bag and make sure it is tied tightly. After shaking the items off in the parking lot, do so again in your yard before dropping them into the hamper.


  • Keep dry towels in the car. Even the most ardent cleaner may still track some sand along. Placing towels over the seats in the car will catch any errant sand. Towels also protect the seats from damp swimsuits.


  • Do an extra cleaning at home. Hose down any chairs and items brought to the beach once you return home. This will dislodge any remaining sand and prevent it from being tracked inside.


  • Store belongings in a shed or garage. Avoid tracking sand indoors by keeping beach supplies in the garage or a backyard shed.