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Keyword: donations

Thousands donate, but Red Cross blood shortage …

Independent Newsmedia Thousands of people have responded to the emergency call for blood and platelet donations issued by the American Red Cross in early July, but there continues to be a critical …

Neighbors renovate exterior of home for Surprise …

By Jennifer Jimenez Independent Newsmedia Hosting family and friends at their home, complete with cookouts, laughs and making memories was a weekend tradition at the Surprise home of Brett and …

Glendale Planning Commission approves donation drop …

By Cecilia Chan Independent Newsmedia Glendale Planning Commission last week unanimously recommended the Council adopt regulations controlling where and how many donation drop boxes are allowed …

Glendale moves forward with donation drop box …

By Cecilia Chan Independent Newsmedia Where and how many donation drop boxes can be located in Glendale may soon be on the books. City Council in a recent workshop gave input on a draft …