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Surprise slates truth in taxation hearing June 6

A sign shows directions around the Surprise Civic Center Area.
Independent Newsmedia

Surprise intends for the city's primary property tax rate to remain at $0.7591 per $100 of assessed limited property value for the fiscal year 2018, which begins July 1.

On average, the assessed limited property value in Surprise went up by 3.7 percent. Surprise budget director Jared Askelson said the city released a truth in taxation statement, which is required by state law, that shows the results of applying this rate to the latest assessed limited property values for the city

In the statement announcing the truth in taxation hearing June 6, Surprise calculates that the increase in limited property values will lead to increased revenues of $268,241 for the city in FY 18.

For example, the average valuation increase will cause the city of Surprise’s primary property taxes on a $100,000 home to increase from $73.17 (total taxes that would be owed without the proposed increase) to $75.91 (total proposed taxes including the increase).

This proposed increase is exclusive of increased primary property taxes received from new construction. The increase is also exclusive of any changes that may occur from property tax levies for voter approved bonds or budget and tax overrides.

All interested residents are invited to attend the public hearing on property taxes that is scheduled at 6 p.m. June 6, 2017 in Surprise Council Chambers, 16000 N. Civic Center Plaza.

Also during the Surprise City Council meeting, the council will determine whether to call for an election Nov. 7 on a bond proposal that, if approved, would initiate a secondary property tax in Surprise.

If the council passes the resolution, the bond would have three separate ballot questions for voters – for a total of $59.5 million bond if voters approved all three.

If all three bond questions were approved, the secondary property tax would equate to $92 per year on a home with an assessed limited property value of $200,000.