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Rigler: Make safety your goal with Super Bowl party food


In just a few days, friends and families will gather for Super Bowl parties, and we want to be sure you and your guests are safe — including from foodborne illness.

Here are some tips to keep everyone focused on football and smiling about the great food to be enjoyed during the game:

  • Wash up: Wash your hands before you prepare the food. Wash surfaces like cutting boards and counters after each time you use them to prevent your chicken wings from contaminating the veggie tray. And wash fruits and vegetables before you set them out. Finally, if you’ve been sick please let someone else prepare the food.
  • Avoid mix-ups: Keep foods you’re preparing separate, and use separate utensils for cutting different kinds of foods. Provide individual utensils and small plates to discourage guests from eating right out of your serving dishes.
  • Cook it well: Foods like chicken and meats need to be cooked to a safe internal temperature; use a food thermometer to be sure. Follow instructions on the package when microwaving foods.
  • Keep it hot: The Super Bowl can last four hours. If your guests arrive before kickoff, they could be with you for as long as six hours. Some food can go bad if it’s sitting on the table for that long. If you cook before kickoff, you may want to set some of the food aside in your refrigerator and heat it up at halftime. Be careful with cold foods, too. Keep them over ice so they stay chilled for the whole game.
  • Pack it up: Leftovers can make a nice snack over the next few days. When your guests are finished eating, store leftovers in the refrigerator or freeze for safekeeping.

With COVID-19 still active across Arizona, please make reducing the spread part of your game plan as well.

That includes sitting this one out if you are sick, holding the event outdoors if possible, keeping groups small, and encouraging masks and physical distancing indoors.

We have other COVID-19 safety tips at azhealth.gov/COVID19.

We wish you and your guests a fun and safe Super Bowl.

Editor’s note: Jessica Rigler is assistant director overseeing the Division of Public Health Preparedness at the Arizona Department of Health Services. Visit azdhs.gov.