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Navidad: Here’s why you should consider fostering a needy pet in Arizona


Last year, the Arizona Animal Welfare League saved closed to 2,000 animals at risk for euthanasia at other shelters, but who were not quite ready to be put up for adoption. Our dedicated foster families help us care for our most difficult medical cases and even bottle-feed neonate puppies and kittens who need round-the-clock care for them to survive.

As our organization continues to grow and take in more vulnerable animals, we need more foster families to help care for our animals until they are ready to find their forever home. Becoming a foster with AAWL would not only be a great adventure, but you would be making a big impact in your community.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider offering your home, time, and heart to an animal in need by becoming a foster:

  • Give a homeless pet a much-needed break from shelter life: The shelter environment can be difficult for some animals who are shy or become frightened or easily stressed. Fostering gives them more of an opportunity to come out of their shell and learn more about what family life will be like.
  • Find out if you’re ready to adopt a new family member: Are you not sure if you are ready to add a pet to your household? Fostering is a great way to find out if you are ready to adopt a pet.
  • Temporary commitment with high rewards: Fostering might be a short-term commitment, but it will be an adventure that you will remember for a lifetime.
  • Endless supply of entertainment: Fostering can be a whole lot of fun, from taking your foster dog on walks or hikes around town or playing for hours with your foster kitten.
  • Foster one, save another: When you bring a pet home to foster you are creating space in our shelter for another life to be saved.

Whether you’re considering adding a furry friend to the family, have some time to spare, or just want to add some temporary excitement to your life, you can make a huge impact on the lives of homeless pets by becoming a foster with AAWL.

Plus, we supply our foster families with everything they need to care for their temporary new family member, all you need to provide is the love!

You can learn more about our foster program and fill out a foster application at aawl.org.

Editor’s note: Alessandra Navidad is president and CEO of the Arizona Animal Welfare League.