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Heidt: Vote ‘no’ on SB 1161 to protect health insurance in Arizona


Dear Editor: As businesses continue to recover from the interruptions caused by the pandemic, the last thing hardworking Arizona companies and employees need is higher health care costs.

That is why, on behalf of the Glendale Chamber of Commerce, we are opposed to Arizona Senate Bill 1161 (SB 1161) and respectfully ask West Valley residents to urge your Representatives and Senators to vote no on SB1161.

If signed into law, SB 1161 would impose heavy-handed government interference in how our businesses build health coverage plans, ultimately raising both the cost of providing health care benefits for employers AND increasing employees' out-of-pocket costs.

This bill would even prohibit employers from communicating openly with employees about options for filling their prescriptions at a lower cost.

In addition, our chamber opposes unnecessary state regulation, cost-shifting, coverage requirements, and government mandates while encouraging a fair, competitive, free market environment. This bill is a mandate that will affect large and small employers throughout Arizona, our employees, and millions of hardworking Arizona families.

While our Chamber works to support businesses through the challenges of the pandemic, we respectfully ask that you protect us and them from prescription drug cost increases and harmful regulations by voting NO on SB 1161.


Robert W. Heidt, Jr. President & CEO

Glendale Chamber