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Bisson: We’re here for you with the latest information

I want to personally thank our valued advertising clients for continuing to support our nonprofit mission of delivering quality journalism to your customers --- our readers.
– Charlene Bisson

Uncertainty often sparks unsettling feelings.

The world health pandemic has caused a magnitude of economic ripple effects that many of us didn’t fathom in our lifetime. It’s a no-win quandary on what’s the best approach to save us from this economic slump.

For some industries, it will be difficult to overcome with sales declines worse than post 9/11 and the Great Recession. A few other businesses are seeing mass sales increases, such as grocery stores, having a difficult time keeping pace with demand. I’ve spoken to several business owners who are fearful they could cease to exist after this economic crisis.

I want to personally thank our valued advertising clients for continuing to support our nonprofit mission of delivering quality journalism to your customers --- our readers. We’ll get through this economic crisis together with creative marketing strategies to keep your brand in the public light from digital to print marketing.

While Independent Newsmedia is also facing tough times ahead, it’s important to remember as in past recessions that you don’t want to lose brand recognition with your customers. It’s been reported that increased marketing campaigns during economic downturns increases a business’s market share when the economy returns.

And, you’re helping support our journalists’ efforts posting ever-changing COVID-19 news at YourValley.net. We’ve seen a daily usership increase of nearly 300 percent.

Our journalists have created a COVID-19 page dedicated to covering the latest news affecting residents. You’ll find world, nation and local stories, explanations and advice from local and state leaders, cancellation notices, opinions and more. We’re also posting what establishments are open for business.

As always, we can’t provide quality journalism without the support of our loyal readers who patronize our advertisers and provide donations to us to help defray a portion of our print and delivery costs. We appreciate your generosity.

Please share your stories with us about what is taking place in your communities. What are you doing to cope with our situation? Do you have awesome neighbors who are making the situation better for you?

My neighbor, Justin, knew I was having a difficult time finding milk for my kids and offered me his only gallon. Thankfully, I found milk at a gas station so I didn’t need to take it, but human kindness goes a long way when we’re struggling to understand this surreal predicament.

I pray for your good health and safety.

Editor’s note: Ms. Bisson is the Arizona publisher at Independent Newsmedia